Professor Hall, from the University of West Virginia, extends this interdisciplinary approach to economic education by providing examples from the long-running animated television show The Simpsons that can be used to stimulate student discussion
and engagement in an introductory course in microeconomics. To create the book, Hall recruited 22 contributors, most of whom are professors of economics at universities such as George Mason and Baylor, allowing the reader to hear from several different voices as they unconventionally illustrate a wide range of economic topics.
The book is primarily meant to function as a teaching resource for students, but can also be a fun read for those who enjoy pop economics – and of course the Simpsons fanatics who buy anything related to the show.
Find on Amazon Barnes and Noble GoodreadsListen to the author on Tom Woods radio show
Hall explains his approach in The Journal of Private Enterprise and on the Stanford University Press blog
Review on Bloomberg Boston Globe The Daily News
Paper on Homer Economicus or Homer Sapiens? Behavioral Economics in The Simpsons by Jodi N. Beggs